Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Wednesday 13th February 2008 - The day the stitches came out!

By today I can feel the stitches hugging at my scar as that area beings to heal. But today the stitches were due out. My Mum and I went to my old doctors surgery (where my Parents still go) and saw a nurse who took out the stitches. I drove. It was the first time I drove my car again since the operation and I was so happy. No problem with balance or turning my head whilst driving and manoeurving my car. We got to the doctors and it felt alot better once the stitches were out and it was such a relief as much more comfortable. I am such a wimp for these things as I can't stand medical stuff!! I am beginning to feel alot more normal and am able to wash my hair again - YIPPEE!!!

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